
The power of advertising
  • Method for firms to communicate with the customers to show their prices, availability and key features of their goods and services.
  • Advertising is the commercial promotion of of goods, services, companies and ideas.
    • Lots of billions are spent every year on promotion by firms
      • It creates consumer wants therefore raising sales
        • If sales rise enough to reach the money invested on ads; profits will rise

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Example of advertising
  1. Informative advertising
    •  Information about a product to a consumer
      • Restaurant menus or computer specs
      • Also used by the government to inform people about new reglation
      2. Persuasive advertising
    •  Create consumer wants and boost sales of a product or service
      • Brand switching
        • Persuading the consumer at the expense of rival products
      • Effects
        • Create and reinforce positive consumer perceptions
        •  Consumer want
        • Consumer loyalty
    • Increase on demand
      • + market price
      • + quantity traded
      • + Market share
Resultado de imagen de IMPACT OF ADS ON CONSUMER DEMAND  

  •  Advertsing involves the creation of consumer wants
  • Advertising can create powerful brand images and customer loyalties
    • Changes attitudes, opinions and perceptions of people towards the product and the firm who makes it
    • The brand image
        • Name
        • Logo
        • Phrase
      •  More attractive to consumers than rival products
    • Firm differentiation
    •  Make the user buy the product as a habit
      • Customer brand loyalty
        • Steady stream of revenue.
        • Protect the sales and market share of the firm from competition.
        • Customer may be willing to pay a higher price for your brand
        • Customers continue to buy the brand even if the producer increases its price or the prices of rival products fall
  •  Advertising can reduce competition
    • Barrier to entry into the market for that product
      • Requires competitors to spend the same or more on advertisemnt campaigns
    • Less choice for consumers and higher prices if a low number of firms dominate the market.
