Pricing strategies

The pricing decision of a firm
  • Four major factors affecting the difficult decision of choosing a price for a product or service
    •  The level and strength of consumer demand
    •  The amount of competition from rival producers to supply a market
    •  The costs of production and the levels of profit required
    • Government taxes and subsidies
  •  Possible situations in the market for a product/ service:
    • Too high
      • Consumer unwilling to buy the product
    • Too low
      • Not covering costs of production
    • Competition
      • High competition
        • Low enough to compete
      • Low competition ( No or very few substitutes)
        • Consumers may be willing to pay a higher price
  •  Demand-based pricing strategies
    • Price skimming
      • Environment with little competition
        • High price to recover development cost and get an initial high profit--> Lower price as competitors join the market
    • Penetration pricing
      • Low price to encourage consumers to try a new product and increase loyalty
      • Easy entry to the market
        • Later increase output to increase revenue
      • Only affordable by large firms in most cases
  • Competitive pricing strategies
    • Destruction pricing ( or predatory pricing)
      • Deep cuts in prices
        • Fully remove the competitor from the market
      • If done successfully, the firm will be able to recover losses
    • Price wars
      • Price cuts carried out by various competitors
        • Firms continue to try to undercut others
          • Very negative consequences for all
    • Price leadership
      • Equal prices by various firms
        • Adjustments to do with the price are done simultaneously
          •  The price leader will be the firm with largest market share
          • Avoid price wars
  • Cost-based pricing strategies
    • Price = (total cost/ total output) + mark-up for profit
    • The price is adjusted depending on the cost per unit and a small amount of profit is added.
Resultado de imagen de pricing
