Why firms compete? And how do they do it? (Guille F.)

Competing for the market
  • Competition is mostly good for the consumer as it encourages firms to...
    • Use their resources efficiently to reduce costs
    • Lower their prices
    • Innovate:  Develop new and better products and fearures for consumers to have a wide range of products
  • Reasons to compete
    1. To increase their customer base
      •  Firms will compete on prices, product quality and through promotional strategies
      • More revenue, if the costs of increased competition do not rise as fast...
      •  + PROFIT
    2. To increase sales
      • Existing customers can buy more and provide repeat custom, make the consumption of this product a habit
      • Cutting prices for price elastic products
      •  Promotional stratagies like free gifts can also create a brand image and encourage customer loyalty
    3. To expand market share
      • Proportion of total market volume
      • More capacity to withstand new competition
    4. To achieve product superiority
      1. Making a product completely better than the rest
      2. Outsell all other competitors
    5. To enhance image
      • Improve its organizational image
      • The opinion customers have on the company will be reflected in their demand for that product
    6. To maximize profits
      • All of the above will contribute to an increase in the total profits of the firm
Types of competition:
  • Price competition
    • Offer customers the lowest or most similar prices to rival products
    • Boost sales and market share
      • Will attract more competitors
    • Highly limited by the market and the costs of production
      • For price inelastic products, a cut in prices will not boost sales and the margin between the market price and the average cost per product will reduced. (Loss of profit)
  • Non-price competition 
    • Competing on all other product features
      • New product development
      • Product placement in retailers
      • After-sales care
      • Promotional campaigns
        • Advertising
        • In-store displays and decoration
        • Competition
        • Loyalty cards
    • Encourages product quality to increase as customers are not just looking for the cheapest product or service
      • They are looking for the one with the best quality-price characteristics
      •  Ease of purchase
      • Levels of customer service
      • After-sales care
        • Insurance
        • Support
        • Refund, etc.
Resultado de imagen de competition
